Fresh New Look

With The Unforgettable Series getting a whole new look including a new logo, new covers and new content, I thought it was time to update everything in the Nikki A Lamers world. Of course it will be a little while yet before I push myself for more headshots, since being in front of the camera is one of my least favorite things, but there's still so much to do.
I've always been very particular about my covers as I want them to go with the story between the bindings. But when Unforgettable Mistakes released, I fell in love all over again and decided to take a look back at the entire series. So thank you to Jessica Scott of Uniquely Tailored; because you're incredible at what you do, Nikki Lamers is getting a facelift.
The Unforgettable Summer kicked it off, the cover moving up and down the cover of the month ranking contest on AllAuthor, but no matter where it places, I'm thrilled it made the final round! Time is running out if you haven't voted yet!
My website has a fresh new look and the mobile site as well. I would love to hear what you think of the new site and please let me know if you run into any issues!
Now I'm looking for a new Nikki A Lamers Author Logo and Slogan or tagline. I would love for you to be a part of it. If you've read my books, you know I love a good romance with a great story. I love my stories to be sweet and spicy with a lot of drama, friendship, laughter and so much more. If you have an idea you think I would love, please share! I'm going to narrow the slogans down to a short list and I would love all of you to vote for your favorite. Please watch here or on social media for the vote!
Do you have a favorite Unforgettable cover?

Thank you again for your support! I wouldn't be here without readers! Speaking of...I'm always looking for new ARC readers. For those interested, fill out the form on my contact me page. I hope the rest of your week is not only wonderful, but unforgettable.