Features & Interviews
Here you will find links to various interviews with Nikki or some of the places where Nikki or one or more of her books were featured. This is a chance to get a little more insight into the creation of the books and into the author herself. Thank you to everyone who has supported Nikki and her books!
Nikki was interviewed by Pat Rullo of Speak Up Talk Radio when The Unforgettable Summer won for New Adult Fiction, Summer/Beach Read, Series and Contemporary Fiction. Listen to the Podcast here , or find the podcast on numerous other platforms.
Speak Up Talk Radio with Pat Rullo
Nikki was interviewed by Pat Rullo of Speak Up Talk Radio when Unforgettable Nights won for New Adult Fiction, Series and Contemporary Fiction. Listen to the Podcast here , or find the podcast on numerous other platforms.
Speak Up Talk Radio with Pat Rullo

The Writer's Dream with Linda Frank on LTV
Nikki was thrilled to join host and author, Linda Frank on her show, The Writer's Dream to talk books and writing at LTV Studios in East Hampton. She shared her new release Breaking Cycles alongside her other books and talked process and more. Check out her first television interview.
So You Wanna
Nikki had so much fun joining authors Megan Alexandria and Elle Meredith on their co-hosted podcast, So You Wanna to talk books and writing. It was a light and casual conversation where you get to see a different side of the author.

The Majestic Unicorn on Nerve Radio
Nikki was so excited to have the opportunity to be Dinzy Finzy's first guest on the new show The Majestic Unicorn on Nerve Radio. She had an opportunity to talk books, her new release Breaking Cycles and some writing tips.